About Sunrise School

Sunrise School was established in December 2012 with just only a few students and classes at that time. However, Sunrise School has grown dramatically in terms of study and teaching quality, nowadays. Most of our children really enjoy studying here because of some aspects that grab their and parent’s attention. First, so far Sunrise School has upgraded its interior and exterior environment. Ms. Pit Rachana, Director of Sunrise School, has put a lot of efforts into building Sunrise School successfully. Recently, Sunrise School has installed modern toys and equipment for all students to play together. In this way, our kids or students require to develop their bodies and mental. Most of our kids here are enjoying playing a game called “pretended games” such as selling food, being as a cook or film stars so on and so forth. Besides this, we have our hug modern playground where all students play together peacefully with our Teacher Assistant (TA). All TAs have the duties to supervise all students carefully.


Agriculturally, because nowadays topic is about global warming including air, water and noise pollution so we teach our children to love or take good care of nature. We have our designed garden project for our students to plant their suggested seeds. Head teachers and TAs are the trainers to nurse the seeds and they instruct their students carefully to take care their plants by watering, weeding and softening the soil. Thus, students are encouraged to protect environment and nature.

Why Trues Me

Our Vision

At Sunrise School, We nourish children’s physical growth, Intelligence, creativity, morality and love of learning vital for secondary education and beyond.

Our Mission

Sunrise School’s mission is to provide a good quality of education to build on your child’s skills, Knowledge and and understanding of the world. The curriculum is designed to serve the education, physical, social, and emotional needs of every child, to create a positive atmosphere and to provide superior academic education so that each child will become a productive member of society.